Online Therapy

The convenience and flexibility of counselling online can be a safe way to access mental health support. With the use of digital platforms you can access online therapy anywhere at your convenience by using the phone or your computer.

Common reasons people use online therapy in order to stay connected include:

  • You frequently travel or work overseas and need the flexility of online counselling.
  • The comfort of your own home, if you have a mobility issue and cannot travel to sessions
  • You live in a country or neighbour hood that lacks local counsellors
  • You are in the public eye and need additional confidentiality measures.

Private Counselling Nottingham uses Zoom, an online platform that has been endorsed by various professional bodies that allows face to face contact. This choice is based on excellent video quality and a high standard of data security, ensuring that all parties are protected from a confidentiality perspective.

online therapy
private counselling

Take a positive step today and contact – we can work together from there.